March 1, 2015

Theme: Aging


City Daily Photo has a monthly theme day and today the theme is Aging.

I was not thrilled with the subject because it's a concern when you are my age, not so much because I look older but because I feel older. And there is a limit to what I can do about it.

I decided to borrow these figures from my sister-in-law's book shelf and set them up together on her table. The juxtaposition shows the young person contemplating the older, who must look ancient to her. But before she knows it, the reality of aging will fall upon her too.


  1. How true, and a great interpretation of a perplexing theme.

  2. Great theme day post for Ageing.

  3. Nothing could be truer. Well done.

  4. So true, love the book ends. Great post. Happy March, enjoy your new week ahead!

  5. A creative use of the theme!

  6. Well done, Linda. It is not inevitable that the "aging" theme had to be interpreted in a sad or frightening way. Glad you found a creative way.

  7. A very creative take on the theme, Linda!

  8. interesting how our perception of aging is relative. As a youth I though 30 was ancient. Now in my 60s I tend to see myself as 30.

  9. Good for you to find a way around a topic that was not necessarily to your liking. I am so pleased that you, nevertheless, found a way to participate.

    You are such a stalwart of both the portal AND the FB group.

  10. Great way to interpret this theme! I know what you mean about feeling older and not being able to do anything about it.

  11. Well done Linda, it was a tricky one but you came up with a super post.

  12. Well done Linda, it was a tricky one but you came up with a super post.

  13. I agree with your coment. As I am older. And I have some older pains and aches which we cannot always help.

    So I found it hard to do ageless. I am new to the City Daily . Only have done twice. It was tricky. You came up with one and I did too.

  14. oh forgot to tell you. I like what you came up with by the way.


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