March 3, 2015

The Trostle Barn

This is a picture I took some years ago at Gettysburg and posted on my Civil War Field  Trips website. I'm posting it now to share with The Barn Collective.


  1. Not just any old barn then Linda, bit of history there.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Fascinating website you created there. Such a lot of history. I do like the name of the barn. Trostle Barn. I wonder if the Trostle Family lived nearby.

  4. The horsemen are a very appropriate touch for a Gettysburg barn.

  5. Lovely indeed. Why are you sending messages to the Borg collective? We don't want to be assimilated! :)

  6. It's interesting how barn styles are different across the country. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. A nice looking place. I'm so glad that you shared it with us this week!

  8. Neat looking barn. I'm sure it holds a lot of history.


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