March 9, 2015

Good, Random, Fun: Change of Scene

azaleasOn February 26, we left snowy Virginia and flew to Southern California. Yes, I've been posting pictures of winter in Virginia, hoping to catch up on my backlog of snow scenes. But enough of snow! It's time to share some warm weather scenes.

The Good: It's springtime in California! Flowers are blooming! I was so ready for some sunshine!
Actually, we had a couple days of rain, but that's good because SoCal was experiencing a drought. Then the sun came out and it was delicious!
The Random: Frank tried unsuccessfully to get tickets to the taping of Jimmy Kimmel's show. At least he got to pose in front of the studio in Hollywood.

The Fun: People along the California Coast seem to really enjoy getting outdoors. It certainly felt good to me just to be able to walk in the sunshine, or even to walk outdoors at all. It had gotten very difficult with all the snow and ice we had.

Sharing with Good, Random, and Fun


  1. I bet the balmy air felt amazing! Glad you got to get away.

  2. Very cool, California is a wonderful place to visit. Great shots. Have a happy week!

  3. I was just there myself. Pasadena and San Clemente. A very nice change of pace, but I don't think I want to move back there any time soon.

  4. oo, so pretty!! Glad you got away to warmer climates!

  5. the azaleas are so pretty. i miss flowers. need some spring around here please & soon. thanks!! ( :
    wouldn't that be nice.

  6. Looks, and sounds, like such a nice break!

  7. It is so nice to get away from the ice and snow for awhile. I can't wait until warm weather comes.

  8. How lovely to see a warm beach and beautiful flowers!

  9. I am so pea-green with envy... all that sunshine and people having fun on the beach. We are getting warmer back here in Va. but nothing like Calif. I bet. You two have enough fun for all of us.

  10. The flowers are beautiful. I can hardly wait until we get a little more of the snow and ice gone here so I can walk outside again. Winter seems like it has been going on forever.


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