March 18, 2015

At the Black Bear Diner

woman with carved bear

We enjoyed having lunch at the Black Bear Diner in Torrance. Unfortunately they don't have any of these restaurants in Virginia. It would seem "at home" near Skyline Drive!

Frank, don't pet the bear cub!


  1. "Hey Boo Boo, let's go get us a pic-a-nic basket!"

    1. Yes, I thought about Yogi and Boo Boo too.

  2. That looks like a cute place. How was the food?

    1. It was delicious! I had a rib-eye steak.

  3. Ah, The Black Bear Diner, something that I would expect to see in the Adirondack Mountains. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. I love the Black Bear diner! We have them in Oregon too.

  5. i didn't know you were in ca! i had to go back last night and look through your trip photos! you are making me homesick! (san diego is my hometown!)

  6. Cute pictures! Looks like you had fun there. :)

  7. If the bears are happy, it must be a good place!


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