January 24, 2015

Nice Weather If You're a Canada Goose

goose standing in snow
Branta Canadensis

The Canada Goose is supposed to be a migratory species, spending the summer in places colder than here, like Canada, and migrating southward during the winter. We do see large numbers of them migrating, flying in to our lake in Virginia on their way south. But we also have large extended families of them as permanent residents here. They find enough to eat and just stay! It does get very cold here but they don't seem to mind.

Sharing with: Sepia Saturday and Saturday's Critters


  1. I do like them, even if I think they're cowards for bolting south as soon as the first frost shows itself!

  2. They are very pretty birds (although they do leave a trail of mess behind). Your second photo is very pretty and calming. Have a nice week Linda.

  3. I think they're pretty. They stay late here too, but they have to leave when it gets colder and they can't find open water.

  4. I see a lot of them here during the winter too, they must be used to the cold. Great shots! Thank you for linking up with my critter party. Have a happy day!

  5. Thanks! The colors on that day were so muted that going monochrome seemed natural.

  6. I really like Canadian Geese, though I seem to be in the minority around here. Beautiful photos!

  7. I've often wondered why some migrate and others stay. Kind of like people - some don't mind the cold an others go to Florida . : )

  8. The geese have been coming right close to my house lately looking for food.

  9. Love this in sepia! Nice pictures.

  10. Aren't they wonderful looking birds. We have them pretty much year around here as well. I love it when I hear them flying and honking in the sky. It never gets tiring.


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