In the first picture we see Frank seated with Allison (his middle daughter) and her husband behind him.

It's always fun to see my daughters together!
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glad you had family time!
ReplyDeleteChristmas is a great time to enjoy your family.. wonderful photo of your daughters..Have a happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteYes, I love, beautiful photos, perfect atmosphere capture happy Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThat is one thing what the holiday should be about. Nice to have family to share with.
ReplyDeleteGotta agree with 'on the prairie'; although our family gathering is Thanksgiving. Since our 3 girls are scattered around the country, it is a better time for travel. BTW.. love your orange safety fence!!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a good Christmas.
ReplyDeleteBelas fotos da noite de Natal!
ReplyDeleteTe desejo um ano novo cheinho de coisas boas, e realizações! bjs
So glad you got to see them!
ReplyDeleteFamily time is the best! Sounds like you had a nice visit.