October 11, 2014

What are the Deer Plotting?

Are the deer plotting some sort of raid? This one wears a radio collar — do you suppose he uses it to communicate with other deer?

Let's step back from the sign. Notice the hay bales Perhaps the deer are plotting to steal them!

(Just kidding, y'all! I'm aware that you can plant seed for attracting wildlife.)

Linking to: Sepia Saturday


  1. LOL! It's a beautiful animal.

  2. Ha, that is funny.. I can picture the deer trying to run off with the hay. Great post and photos.Thank you for linking up to my critter party.. Have a happy day!

  3. Lovely photos, maybe the deer are plotting their revenge on gun toting hunters?

  4. Ha.. I like the image you painted of devious deer.

  5. They seem to be plotting to run in front of cars around here.

  6. Hi there!

    Thanks so much for joining Ruckus & Earl and Ethel for the Sepia Saturday blog hop!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!

  7. Such a cute post! :-) Love the sepia!

  8. And all this time I thought they were gentle creatures. It is always the ones you least suspect.

  9. Who would have thought it? They look so sweet, even when they're nibbling on your flowers and vegetable garden.

  10. Ah-ha! This would explain why I saw a deer in my yard speaking into his shoe the other day.

  11. I knew they couldn't be trusted! :)

  12. Now that's funny. I hope the deer get their revenge.

    Well if the object of the seed is to attract deer just to shot them (shame) unless of course it's with a camera. I'm not a hunte at all.

  13. Ha, ha, ha! Maybe the deer are plotting revenge against the hunters!

  14. LOL! I have never heard the term 'deer plotting' although I understand the idea. Here in Oregon, they grow some crops and harvest them in such a way that it will be cover and feed for birds, so kind of the same thing. But the wording on that sign just makes me laugh -- I am picturing the deer whispering and planning their escapade. Love this!!!!

  15. We Beaglebratz came across your blog az we wuz hoppin'around. Oh dear (pawdon the pun), ferst we hazta worry'boutz the squrrelz plottin'against us woofiez an'now we hazta worry'boutz the deer an'they iz bigger than sum of us.
    Thank-u fer the pikchurez - we hardly ever c a deer.
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta


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