October 22, 2014

Don't Text and Fly!

I've seen these crashing witches before but I liked the sign under this one enough to stop and take a picture. 

 While I was at it, I photographed the house across the street from it. I don't know if it's historic but it looks like a 19th-century home.

In Strasburg, Virginia
Sharing with: Signs, Signs


  1. Love the witch. This is truly an all time best.

  2. I always love those witches flying into posts, great fun. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. I've seen the witch before but only in photos. This one is great with the sign and the house is nice too.

  4. Ouch! Poor witch.

    The house looks pretty!

  5. Perfect update to this visual gag, which always has made me laugh! And a beautiful old brick home too!

  6. How funny!
    Thanks for this shot - made my day!

  7. That is the perfect crashed witch sign! I love that house, it does look historical.

  8. Love the sign; life's far too short to take too seriously!

  9. Funny... thanks for the laugh.

  10. I'd like to see a sign like that spread across our city! Another should be "Don't text and walk (across streets and parking lots).

  11. I had a pattern to make one of those flying witches. I never got time to make it though.

  12. Thanks for the laugh! I'd not seen that before. Gorgeous old house.


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