October 7, 2014

Blog Post #4600

I enjoy blogging! It's fun sharing photos and thoughts and hearing back from readers. I'm not the best commenter. As much as I appreciate getting comments and visiting blogs, I have no idea how some bloggers manage to keep up with commenting on many blogs. I believe Theresa in Texas is commenting on a hundred blogs a day! She also posts multiple photos daily and even hosts a blog hop. How does she do that?

There are many other awesome commenters out there! Allow me to give a shout-out to a few: William, Daisy, Eileen, Hilary, Ida, the other Linda W, Mersad, Patti, and Tanya. To see their fine blogs, follow the links on their names.

Now for an announcement: I'm going to start signing my name Linja on blog hops. It's just too confusing having multiple Linda's show up on the lists. For now I'll think I'll keep Linda as my name on comments since a picture shows up next to my name there so you can tell it's me. Does that make sense?

Keep on blogging, friends!


  1. I know exactly what you mean; I don't know how some folk fit it all in, and cope with the stuff of Life too, and I admire them immensely for it. Me, it's all I can do to post a couple of times a week when I can, comment where I can around everything else. but blogging is a little addictive as well.

  2. Yes, Tex is amazing..Great photo of you Linda. I appreciate the shout out too. You are very kind.. Have a great day!

  3. Fair enough Linja, I find it hard enough with four blogs and tend to concintrate on two. I don't mind commenting on peoples blogs though

  4. i have no life - that's how i do it! ;)

    funny, when i read my comments from my email, i look for your 'linja' email address so i can tell it is you instead of another linda. :)

  5. I do follow quite a lot of blogs, but I've found it's easier with photoblogs to go through them than with writer's blogs. You're one of the two Lindas who regularly turn up at my page.

  6. I hear you! I can't keep up at all :( Love the new name idea.

  7. Thank you for the clarification. I used to sign as Marie-AZ and probably should start doing that again. There may be a few Maries out there. My first name is actually Linda, though. :-) I also love the fact that you have given some shout-outs to several bloggers. I too wonder how on earth some people keep up! :-)

  8. Ah you just made me blush. Sometimes it is hard to get by all the blogs but I do the best I can. I feel if you can stop by at least once a month with a comment it shows people you care. Neat to see your photo here today. Have a great day.

  9. It makes perfect sense.. there are a lot of Lindas posting with their first name only. Good thanking.

    Thanks so much for the shoutout. :) And 4600 is quite an accomplishment. I'm only about 20% of my way there!

    Oh and Tex.. I think she's an alien. ;)

  10. Well Linja, I'll still always enjoy checking your blog. You must be incredibly dedicated to have reached 4600 posts!

  11. Thanks for the link! I don't know how Tex does it, either. I'm thinking she never sleeps! ;) I like your photo, I hope you don't keep that thing loaded! I appreciate your visits to my blog. There are so many good ones to choose from.

  12. I don't see how some do it either. I'm also a sporadic commenter. Thanks for sharing photos of yourself!


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