September 6, 2014

Reflection with Zoltar

This is an odd image but I set out to make it that way. Does the "fortune teller" look familiar to you? You may have seen it as an arcade machine or you may remember it from a Tom Hanks movie.

The Zoltar machine is still sold online. Here's the uncropped version of the image.

Linking to: Weekend Reflections


  1. yup, i recognized it from the name, too!

  2. I do remember it from the movie, yes.

  3. I remember that movie. Cool shot!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I knew it looked familiar. Nice one!

  6. Fun reflection shot love the Zoltar!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. How can one forget Zoltar! This is a fun reflection, I wonder if the woman realized she was being pulled into the realm of fortunetelling.


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