September 11, 2014

Fence and Culvert, and Perhaps a Troll

Altered in Photoshop
The dark culvert here reminded me of a place where a troll might hide, coming out to harass the Billy Goats Gruff when they came trip-trapping along the path. The troll, of course, gets his comeuppance when the largest goat butts him down into the stream.

Moral: A troll deserves to be put in his place.

Linking to: Good Fences


  1. wow, that looked like a painted mural! :)

  2. It does look painted! And yes, you might expect a troll here or there.

  3. Aww, but what if it's a cute troll? LOL.
    Lovely pic!

  4. That was fun and very creative too.

  5. Hello Linda!:) It does look like a painting, and looks quite magical too. A fun post!:)

  6. I don't know about a troll, but we have a groundhog that used to live in ours. He may very well still be there.

  7. That does look like something from a fairy tale!

  8. I remember that story. This is so lovely.

  9. I caught a small glimps of something, was it a troll?
    Have a nice day.


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