September 30, 2014

Brief Visit from a Squirrel

I try to enjoy these final summer-like days. I was sitting in a lawn chair on the deck when a squirrel appeared in front of me. I managed to take his picture before he realized I was there and jumped away.


  1. I do like that second action shot - a full flight tail!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. You were quick on the draw, Linda. I bet that squirrel had quite a shock seeing you there.

  3. That second pic is Super! I love squirrels. And, I can now rest assured that there are indeed squirrels on Squirrel Ridge. And you certainly Viewed him! LOL!

  4. A moving varmint, not considered "cute" as labeled by some!!

  5. Terrific shots! What a devious little rascal!

  6. Squirrells from squirrel ridge - most appropriate for the theme!

  7. They are so funny. Cute little antics you've captured.

  8. Good catch, we have to move fast with these little guys

  9. That's a pretty graceful jump he's making.

  10. cute and I too like the 2nd shot :)

  11. Great shots! I especially like the one where he is jumping away.

  12. I think I heard him say "oops, gotta go".

  13. Fine photos! You’ve made a great Theme Day post. I\'m glad you picked this to share with us.

  14. That's the cutest movement shot for sure Linda, gorgeous capture.

  15. Nice shot, it would have been just a blur if I had tried to capture it without warning.


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