September 18, 2014

Benny on the Grass


  1. Love that green contrast against your fur! Happy thoughtless thursday!

  2. Benny looks like a very nice dog. :-)

  3. Cutest dog ever! What kind of dog is this? My kids want a dog so bad! wondering what type of breed? (We had a dog before that got fleas and we had to have a pest control company here in Richmond come over and do a treatment) Do these types have that problem?

  4. Just gotta love that face. : )

  5. Benny's a cocker spaniel. To answer the question from Richmond, the vet gave us medication for fleas so they are rarely a problem with Benny.

  6. Awww ours (JRT) is a Benny also. What a cutie.

  7. What a snuggle pup!


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