August 11, 2014

Murals at a Farm Market

The Mt. Airy Farm Market doubles as a post office. It's at the intersection of US. Routes 50 and 340 near the town of Boyce, Virginia.

Linking to: Monday Murals


  1. They're bright and colourful.

  2. I love this one! Great mural for a market. :)

  3. Inviting image to buy some things in the store.

  4. how cute that it's a post office, too! :)

  5. Perfect mural for this spot Linda.

  6. I like those! So bright and cheery!

  7. I want a mural on the side of Lee's shop.

  8. These are very appropriate for a farm market!

  9. Very cool murals. I like how the post office doubles as the farmers market. I can just imagine the friendliness going on.
    Take 25 to Hollister

  10. This is the kind of folk art that perfectly meshes with a farmers market. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  11. Our farmers market doesn't have murals. Most of ours are out in the open at a park or some place like that.


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