July 30, 2014

Signs of Summer

Frozen Custard Stand, Stephen's City, VA
Linking to: Signs, Signs


  1. Hmmm, while there's no shortage of ice cream establishments up this way, I've never seen a place selling frozen custard.

  2. I'll take a large vanilla-chocolate swirl please. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. I've never heard of frozen custard - but I think I'd like it!

  4. I have seen places like this, I like the mix cones with the soft serve ice cream. YUMMY!

  5. I've never seen frozen custard either!

  6. Love it! I miss seeing these old fashioned ice cream stands.

  7. Amo sorvete e amo o verão! bj

  8. Bright, cheery picture! Now I want ice cream. :)

  9. These places and the chip trucks (fries) are classic summer.


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