July 7, 2014

Bonus Post: For My Father's Birthday

My father was born on July 7, 1916. He died in the year 2000, and mother died four years later.

These pictures are from one of their photo albums from before I was born. My parents had hiked up to Mary's Rock from Skyline Drive and took these photographs at the top of the mountain.

Eleanor Suiter, "Atop Mary's Rock" with John Suiter
These pictures are poignant to me because my mother later expressed a wish that her ashes be scattered from Mary's Rock. After her death, I obtained a permit to do this from Shenandoah National Park and my sister, my younger daughter and I hiked up the steep trail and scattered the ashes of mother and father from the peak.


  1. Love how you honoured your father's wish and the images are a beautiful testimony to your parents!

  2. It's a beautiful place - I can see why they loved it there.

  3. Well worth the climb! Nice photos.

  4. What fun they must have had up there atop Mary's Rock. Sweet post, Linda. Hugs.

  5. Beautiful old shots... and a fitting place to scatter ashes.

  6. Wow. Those photographs are a really nice find. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. Oh what a great post, Linda... I'm sure that will always be a fantastic but emotional memory for you and the family...Love the old photos...

    My Daddy died in 1969 and Mom in 1991... I still miss them both.

    George and I want our ashes scattered over a waterfall --probably Fall Creek Falls (Cane Creek Cascades). As you probably know, we both LOVE waterfalls.


  8. That is really special. Enjoyed the post and the vintage photos.

  9. Great photos, and memories. So glad you were able to make her wish reality.

  10. What great memories you must have of your parents.


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