April 6, 2014

A Stone Church in Millwood

Christ Episcopal Church, Millwood, Virginia 

This charming church dates from 1832. It's in Clarke County in the northeastern part of the Shenandoah Valley.

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  1. It looks as if it was lifted from a spot in England and transplanted to the Shenandoah Valley! :-)

    «Louis» posted this 20th century Modern-design Congregational Church in Palo Alto, California, not far from Stanford University.

  2. I love stone and this one is not only gorgeous, it's old!

  3. oh, i love the stone work ... just beautiful. great one to share. have a great weekend, Linda. ( :

  4. Very English like that one, thought it was from here to start with

  5. Handsome stonework. Love the shadow on the tower.

  6. so pretty! i just finished a book "this rock" where a young man wants to build a stone church on their mountain.

  7. It's beautiful. I would love to attend a service there!

  8. Gorgeous church! I missed out on InSPIREd this week, and will try to join in again next week!

  9. I love the stonework--so pretty!


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