March 13, 2014

Thornton Hollow Reminders

Skyline Drive, North Section

tree in mountainsAround 27 miles from the park's north entrance we find a reminder of the park's history. The interpretive sign tells us about Thornton Hollow. In these parts, a hollow is a ravine or small valley.
Thornton Hollow…. typifies hollows in Shenandoah National Park. It reminds us of the past; it is not what once was... Thornton Hollow was a patchwork of fields, woodlands and scattered homes...

When Congress officially established Shenandoah National Park in 1935, Thornton Hollow's residents were among 400 families within the park's boundaries. Most were required to move…. Thornton Hollow is still recovering from intense human use.

Linking to: Signs, Signs 


  1. There are so many marvelous places to explore along Skyline Drive and in the park.

  2. Beautiful place and spectacular click!


  3. I'd like to hike there... it looks quite inviting.

  4. Looks like a lovely place to spend some time! Thank you for sharing with Little Things Thursday!


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