March 26, 2014

Bring Your Own Phone

Linking to: Signs, Signs


  1. And no sign of the real thing. Strange this has just been left in this way. Install a phone or remove the sign.

  2. Oh my. I hope there is no real emergency :)

  3. And if you have a phone, cross your fingers for service!

  4. It's on a trail that runs along the Shenandoah River. They have these signs on mile marker posts every eighth of a mile. None of them have phones, so obviously we are expected to carry our cell phones. I suppose if I were a young person, I wouldn't think of going anywhere without my cell phone!

  5. If you need to have a sign to tell you to call 911 then you probably don't belong out of your house.

  6. Sunnybrook's remark made me laugh.

    That's assuming you can get reception for your mobile out there...

  7. They are assuming that everyone has a cell phone handy, and mostly they are right.


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