July 4, 2013

Sunset at the Lake Number ___?

Since we get a gorgeous sunset once a week or so, I get plenty of photos like this... only different! Every cloud-filled sky is unique, and the water at the lake duplicates the effects of the light.

It's marvelous how a body of water reflects a sunset! I've posted a number of photos of the lake at dusk or sunset so I apologize it they are getting repetitious.


  1. Wow, gorgeous. Really like pic number 2!

  2. Wow, pic number two is gorgeous!

  3. whoops - commented twice (i guess this makes three times)

  4. Very nice!! Red at night, Sailors delight!

  5. The photo with the reflection is quite marvelous!

  6. You are in the perfect place for sunsets! I am so jealous, because of some tall trees and a tall house beside us, I never get to see them from the windows of my house :( Sunsets are too gorgeous to ever become repetitive.

  7. I love sunsets. Beautiful photos!

  8. They are wonderful shots. Never tire of them.

  9. Congratulations to you and to all the inhabitants of USA, Wonderful sunset, beautiful pictures!

  10. What a beautiful sunset!


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