August 10, 2011

Delayed Blogging

Yes, I'm behind on my blog posts. Frank's sister left three weeks ago and I'm just now finishing up posts about her visit. I tend to spend too much time fixing pictures in Photoshop: straightening, cropping, brightening, trying to get pixelated skies cleared up.

Meanwhile, I've reactivated Frank's blog and started a page on the Shenandoah Valley. I've also helped Frank keep his Postlets and Craigslist ads current.

I'm afraid my daughter's blog is even farther behind than mine. She is viewing Mount Everest while posting a travelog about her visit to Madagascar, which was two months ago. Of course, it's difficult writing on the internet whike traveling around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Delays seem to be inevitable around this time of year.
    Hope you're all straight soon xx


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