Downtown Los Angeles had 2.42 inches of rain on March 20 easily shattering the previous record of 1.48 inches in 1943! (Click for more.)
It was cloudy and cool for most of our visit, and rainy about half the time we were there. On the rainiest day, the wind blew hard and our power was out for four hours.
On our previous trip to California, the weather was uncomfortably hot and nearby wild fires made the air acrid with smoke. I vowed not to go there in summer again. March seemed like a good bet.
I packed for spring weather, expecting temperatures in the 70's and maybe 80's. Ha! Our high was about 62 F. I had to buy additional warm clothes. Having to shop while on a trip is not really unusual for me; I never seem to pack enough clothes! And I'm not a person who enjoys clothes-shopping; I buy most of my clothing online or from a catalog. (Yes, I wind up with some dowdy clothes. What's wrong with that?)
The picture shown here is a Pasadena street scene. I liked the Electric Vehicle Charging Station sign – I haven't seen this in our area yet.
See also August 2009 and September 2009 posts or all entries tagged California.

On our previous trip to California, the weather was uncomfortably hot and nearby wild fires made the air acrid with smoke. I vowed not to go there in summer again. March seemed like a good bet.
I packed for spring weather, expecting temperatures in the 70's and maybe 80's. Ha! Our high was about 62 F. I had to buy additional warm clothes. Having to shop while on a trip is not really unusual for me; I never seem to pack enough clothes! And I'm not a person who enjoys clothes-shopping; I buy most of my clothing online or from a catalog. (Yes, I wind up with some dowdy clothes. What's wrong with that?)
The picture shown here is a Pasadena street scene. I liked the Electric Vehicle Charging Station sign – I haven't seen this in our area yet.
See also August 2009 and September 2009 posts or all entries tagged California.
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