March 3, 2011

A Crown of Contrails

Looking Westward at Twilight

I often carry a camera in the car, even when we are just going shopping and running errands. We live in a scenic area so I never know when I'll see something photogenic.

Last week we walked out of the grocery store in Mt. Jackson and saw this colorful sky. While Frank put the groceries in the car, I got the camera and took a picture.

We stopped a short distance west of there and captured an unobstructed photo of the deepening sunset.
You might also like Contrails Forming a Y, View from Beaver Estates and Sunset Seen from the Car. Or view at all posts labeled Sunsets.


  1. Wow! That's one gorgeous photo.

  2. Thanks, Peggy. We took several versions and that was the prettiest.


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