After two days of cruising with no drinkable coffee other than a few packets of Taster's Choice Instant Decaf that I had brought with me, I was anxious to buy some coffee. Even though I drink only decaf, I craved the taste and smell of decent coffee. The ship only served one brand and it smelled burnt and seemed too vile to drink.
The drugstore did not have the little packets of decaf so I bought a plastic can of Folger's ground decaf, some filters and a coffee maker. (The staterooms do not have coffee makers; they don't even have clocks or irons!) Unfortunately, when we boarded the ship my coffee maker was confiscated -- turns out they are not allowed. (Eventually I got it back when we returned to Baltimore.)
Still, I was able to make single cups of decaf using a filter, a cup, and a pot of hot water provided by room service. And at our final port I found a French Press
to purchase.
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