November 3, 2010

I Fixed the Dishwasher Today

Actually I reset it. But this was not easy because (a) there is no "Reset" button and (b) we could not find the manual.

The machine simply would not start. It did not seem to be getting power except that the HEAT DRY button was lit up. No other buttons did anything, not even the Cancel button. I looked for the manual on the Frigidaire website but either our manual is not listed or their search function just doesn't work. So I "googled" our model number + the word "manual."

From the results I picked a promising page on Someone had the same problem with a different Frigidaire model. Among the solutions was one that worked: Hold down the HEAT DRY button for 20 seconds. The result was that the little green light on that button finally went out and I was able to use other buttons again.

We don't use our dishwasher very often but I'm glad to have it back in service.

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