October 21, 2010

Our New Car

New to Us...

We bought a 2009 Nissan Maxima. It's used but it's still a lot newer than the car it replaces, my trusty 2004 Mazda which got crushed in a crash.

We had a hard time finding a car that was compact enough for me (I dislike boat-size cars) and yet roomy enough for Frank. The Maxima fit the bill. It's silver and has a sunroof and some other upgrades. Tri-State Nissan provided an extended warranty and Frank negotiated a good price. So we're happy except that they only provided one key and the car does not use regular gas, so that's going to cost us extra.

Postscript: They gave us a second key on 10/25 after Frank requested one via email. The sales staff had refused a verbal request but the written request got results.


  1. Congrats on the new (to you) car. May you have many safe years driving it.

    Your fall images from previous posts are quite lovely.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog. It's always nice to see a new face appear in the coments. :)

  2. Thank you, Hilary! Love your photos!


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