Poolside View at the Quality Inn in Suffolk, VA

Our plan was to spend a few days at a Carolina beach after visiting Kate's family. However, by the time we reached I-95, Frank decided he wanted to head for a beach in Virginia in order to be within a day's drive of home. So we headed for Virginia Beach.
We had not started out early and even though we made our lunch stop brief (Popeye's!), we got tired and hungry before approaching our destination. Considering this plus the high cost of hotels at the beach, we decided to stop in Suffolk. We found a decent restaurant and got a recommendation from locals for a hotel. However, that one had no vacancies so we wound up at the Quality Inn, which turned out to be comfortable and good enough for a short stay. Our room had a view of the pool.
By morning, Frank decided he wanted to continue on to Chincoteague, which was fine with me because I have enjoyed our previous visits to that island and nearby Assateague.

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