After a single night at the Island Resort in Chincoteague, we decided to travel north a short distance for the last night of our vacation. After all, we would be closer to home there and besides, Frank wanted to visit Ocean City and Rehoboth. I couldn't argue with making the drive home shorter, plus I was disappointed that the Island Resort did not provide a coffee maker or a microwave, so I couldn't fix myself much of a breakfast. (I prefer to fix myself a little something to eat in the morning because I can't always find breakfast that's gluten-free and dairy-free. Also, I usually get up an hour earlier than my spouse and so I get hungry earlier.)

They weren't. The hotel lobby was attractive but no one helped us with our luggage, and Frank found the staff lacking in warmth. My big disappointment was that there was no free internet. I had to pay extra and use a local wireless service.
Our room did have a coffee maker and a microwave, set in an alcove that used to be a closet. The furnishings were ordinary and the bed lumpy. But we had a door to an open area with a view of the ocean.
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