December 4, 2009

Update on Flash

Flash with Toy (After Tearing the Stuffing Out)
Flash (also called Barney or Little Guy) is doing well. He is still on a low dose of seizure-preventing medication although he hasn't had a seizure since February.

It's possible that his seizures were brought on by a reaction to eating chicken. This was certainly the case with Guppy, who like Flash was a beagle-basset mix. I don't know whether Guppy was allergic to chicken or whether he was affected by "malvin," a natural substance found in chicken, eggs, and certain fruits. The late Hulda Clark wrote that some people have seizures after consuming malvin. It was this claim that gave me the idea to take Guppy off dog food made from chicken, and the results were positive. So with that in mind, I don't feed Flash chicken either.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very interesting tidbit about malvin. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    Crack me up about Flash taking all the stuffing out of his toy. He's a cutie.


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