April 4, 2009

Finding Allergy-Safe Food in Barcelona

Marie has posted her experiences about managing food allergies while traveling in Spain. Her first tip: rent an apartment so you can cook your own food.

I can relate to that. I try to book a motel room with kitchen facilities whenever possible. Unfortunately, some places that say they provide a kitchen only have a microwave and mini-fridge. I've learned to pack my waffle iron, a bowl, and a few utensils for those times. Then I can at least have a nice gluten-free dairy-free breakfast, which is hard to find in many restaurants.

Marie has 19 foods on her forbidden list. I have over 16 and my other daughter has her own list. Our lists overlap but are not identical. So when we go out to eat together, we each have our special requests. As you might imagine, this can be a challenge for a waiter. But by choosing our restaurants carefully, we've never gone completely hungry.

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