December 3, 2008

How much is that prescription?

The gastroenterologist in Winchester prescribed an antibiotic for me today. (Don't worry folks, bacterial dysbiosis is not contagious.) I had a coupon from CVS that gave me a $25 gift card with a filled prescription, so on my way home I stopped there to get the prescription filled.

After a 15 minute wait, I went to the counter to pick up the tetracycline. The clerk said it was $123! Wow! I asked her how much the insurance had paid (thinking they had made a mistake).

She checked the computer and conferred with a pharmacist. "You can save money by getting the capsules instead of the tablets." Okay, let's do that.

About two minutes later she brought me the revised prescription. "That'll be $4.53."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

Turns out the capsules are on the preferred list. I didn't ask the particulars but I was relieved to get a bargain. And I got my $25 gift card, so I came out of the store with a profit!

1 comment:

  1. The antibiotic did not work! Tests done a month later showed that I still had the condition. Guess the bargain pills are not a bargain after all.


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