September 22, 2008

Historic Shenstone in Mount Jackson

manor house on hill
fancy staircaseWe went through the old Shenstone Mansion at the southern end of Mt. Jackson, VA. It's on the market right now and the current owner has done a lot of work on it, including replacing the front porch.

The house is said to have served as a hospital during the Civil War, not surprising since the town in the thick of things and various buildings served as hospitals. I recall that when Shenstone was offered for sale before (about 5 years ago), that owner said it had served as Union Headquarters, but the current seller is not making that claim as far as I know.

The house has seen numerous additions and changes over it's long history, so the floor plan is a bit unusual and seems inefficient by today's standards. So it doesn't qualify as a mansion anymore, but it's not mansion-priced either. It is next to Hepner Brothers' Blocks on U.S. 11.

For more on Civil War hospitals in Mt. Jackson, see Confederate Hospital Marker on and The Union Church, on
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