Current price: $2,163.89 (Reserve not met)
End time: Aug-16-08 09:39:32 PDT
Here's how the description starts:
This beautiful double-diamond ring belonged to Mary Amaryllis Hammer, Hazel Lou Humphrey's grandmother. She was a well-known Chicago millionaire and socialite in the 1880s and 1890s. The Humphrey family had a 67-room mansion in Chicago which is still standing. Judge D. Harry Hammer made millions of dollars because when the Chicago fire happened, he bought of much of the burned real estate on the south side of Chicago. He made a fortune when people bought the land back from him over the years. Their home is now on Martin Luther King Blvd, but in the 19th Century it was known as Grand Blvd. Mary Amaryllis Hammer was written about regularly in the Chicago newspapers. She was president of many women's clubs and was a world traveler and collector.
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