Frank wants a pond, one with a waterfall and fountain. We've been visiting pond suppliers and looking at books on water features for some time. He even got an estimate from Jim at Wetlands Trading Company.

But before you dig up your yard, you need to know where the utility lines are. So he called
Miss Utility, a service in Virginia that marks your underground lines so that you don't dig into them. (All the utilities here in Bryce are under ground.)
So various workers showed up and spray-painted lines across the yard to show us where our water, sewer, electric, phone and cable lines are. These orange lines go right across the place where Frank wanted to put the pond! So it's back to the drawing board.
We can still put in a water feature there but it will have to be above-ground, like
Trevi Fountain ... or (more on the scale of) a wading pool with stones around it.
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