April 8, 2008

Tired of Shopping

We are finally close to having everything we need (or at least ordered) for our new kitchen. I think all that's left is the flooring. We have an attractive laminate in mind; it looks like a very pale slate. But Frank is concerned that it can be damaged by puddles of water seeping in through the seams. Now he's talking about getting ceramic tile, even though until now he has been strongly opposed to ceramic because it is hard and cold. He prefers vinyl but I don't like the odor - I figure anything that smells like chemicals is probably giving off fumes and who knows when someone will prove that it's bad for you.

Today we bought a sink (double, stainless), a faucet set, and an exhaust fan. The last item was surprisingly hard to find. Hardware stores don't carry kitchen fans, although they have plenty of bathroom fans. (A kitchen fan has to be fire-resistant because you don't want a grease fire to turn it into a flame thrower!) We checked with at least four small hardware stores and both the big-box home improvement stores around here, plus some appliance stores. Could have bought a fan online but waited too long. A clerk at Lowe's suggested an RV supply store, but I figured we'd check some electric supply stores first since we had to go to Harrisonburg anyway for an appointment. One didn't have it but Eck Supply and Lighting on Route 42 had one (and only one) in stock so we bought it. At least the limited selection meant we didn't have to debate which model to buy.

Why not get an exhaust hood? The stove will be in a corner between two windows and we don't want to block the light.

We are difficult shoppers. We are both picky and opinionated and are tastes are different so it takes a while to agree on what to get. Also we are frugal and comparison-shop until we are beyond exhaustion. All too often we leave stores without buying anything. So serious shopping is a frustrating ordeal.

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