A Civil War Trails signs calls the area "The Frowning Fortress of York, 1862 Peninsula Campaign." Here's an excerpt: The trench line to your right is all that remains of a formidable line of Confederate earthworks that once blocked this historic road and the Union army's advance westward past Yorktown in 1862...

Above right is a portion of the sign showing a period photo of the trenches (excuse the leaf!) and a portrait of Maj. Gen. Daniel Harvey Hill, CSA.
Not far from there you'll find the Yorktown National Cemetery. A sign there continues the story. Yorktown became a Union garrison for most of the Civil War and provided a hospital service to wounded and sick soldiers...

The other soldier on the sign is Isaac Cornelius, killed at Cold Harbor in 1864 and also buried here.
See also Yorktown in the Civil War (NPS)
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