- Friday: I went plant-shopping with a friend while Frank went to a doctor appointment. Then I baked a chicken dinner and Allison arrived to share it with us.
- Saturday: In the morning we set up for the library program (signs, coffee, chairs, intro), took down everything afterwards, spent afternoon with Allison and at the same time supervised a crew who arrived to cut up the trees that blew down in the storm. Had dinner at the 263 Diner. Then Allison left.
Sunday: Did laundry, supervised the yard crew who cut down brush and hauled it away, went to local art studio tour - three artists exhibited here in Bryce and two more out on Crooked Run Road.
- Today: Some paperwork and phone calls, then a trip to one of the plant nurseries that Carlas showed me just off Turleytown Road (west of Broadway). It's called Spring Gardens. We bought four hanging baskets and a bunch of potted flowers for the yard. Also stopped at the recycling center and the Food Lion. This evening Frank started painting the entry room.
April 30, 2007
Busy Spring Days
We've been busy the past few days.
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