My site stats show that people are hitting my blog looking for this story. I guess that's because I have the words Bryce Resort, Basye, Shenandoah, airport, and plane elsewhere on this blog.
November 13, 2006
Looking for the plane crash story?
If you are looking for news about the small plane crash here in Basye, check out That Harrisonburg station had the story on the news last night. I imagine that soon it will be on the other news sites serving Virginia. Sadly, the pilot was killed. This happened Saturday (Nov. 11, 2006) around 4:30 pm.
My site stats show that people are hitting my blog looking for this story. I guess that's because I have the words Bryce Resort, Basye, Shenandoah, airport, and plane elsewhere on this blog.
This is a picture of the airport that I took a few years ago. The airport here is very small - a landing strip near the golf course, daylight only. We watched a sports plane take off Saturday afternoon and now I wonder if it was the same one.
My site stats show that people are hitting my blog looking for this story. I guess that's because I have the words Bryce Resort, Basye, Shenandoah, airport, and plane elsewhere on this blog.
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