September 4, 2006

Have you seen my glasses?

I lost a pair of prescription eyeglasses a few weeks ago. I've no idea where I left them. It's not a big problem though - I have another pair, plus numerous pairs of reading glasses from the dollar store. Funny thing, the dollar store glasses sometimes seem easier on my eyes.

My eyes are weird anyway. I have holmes-adies syndrome, in which one pupil stays large even in sunlight. This can be painful, so the opthalmologist prescribed Pilocarpine eyedrops to make the pupil small.

Here's an official definition of the condition. I also have the lack of reflexes in my right leg, and sometimes that ankle goes weak on me.

Adie's Tonic Pupil
A physical finding of a dilated pupil that reacts poorly to light but better to accommodation. The residual reaction of the pupil is sluggish and "tonic". Adie pupil is usually unilateral and is most often seen in women. It is commonly associated with a loss of knee jerks. Extra-ocular movements are normal and there is no ptosis. Localization is to the third nerve cilliary ganglion and is usually due to a virus or other inflammatory processes. The relatively spared response of the pupil to accommodation reflects the much higher percentage of fibers from the ciliary ganglion that innervate the iris for accommodation than for constriction to light. The "tonic" nature of the pupillary reaction reflects denervation hypersensitivity. Adie's pupils, but not normal pupils, will constrict to dilute solutions of pilocarpine.

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