April 24, 2006

It really is greener over the septic...

We arrived in Montross last week after some rainy weather which really encouraged the grass to grow. There were long dark stripes of grass which I realized must be following the lines of the drainfield.

(Note to urbanites: a septic system has both a tank and a series of drain lines, from which water percolates into the soil.)

Frank was able to cut the grass without too much trouble, although I assisted by removing large pine cones from the lawn. Later that same day he arranged to have Mount Holly Lawn Service keep the grass cut.

We are listing the house for sale. We really don't use it a lot because it is a fairly long drive from our primary home, which is also in a resort area. Since the primary home is in a beautiful and restful place, there is not much reason to leave it.

Glebe Harbor is a beautiful place also and since the house is on a pretty cove, I'm sure someone will appreciate it. The community is on the Potomac River in Westmoreland County, Virginia.

The house next door is still for sale at $410K. Here's part of their backyard view.

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