According to Sitemeter, I get a fair number of visitors who searched for "Glebe Harbor." For those people I am posting some more photos and a little information (boldly assuming that they want to know about Glebe Harbor in Virginia).
Glebe Harbor is a waterfront subdivision near Mt. Holly in Virginia's Northern Neck, which is the peninsula between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers. The closest "large" town is Montross, county seat of historic Westmoreland County. Glebe Harbor is next to it's sister community, Cabin Point, and they share a Property Owner's Association and recreational facilities. Both communities are on the shores of the Lower Machodoc Creek and its tributaries.

We own a home in Glebe Harbor which we rented out for a while. We visited it over the last few days. One of nice things about the area in the winter is the number of evergreen trees. Combined with the warm weather, they gave the illusion of springtime.
The best thing about the location is that it has plenty of lovely water frontage. We enjoy watching the water birds and walking along the beach. You have to be a member to use the community boat launch, pool, or tennis cours.

We have found the residents of Glebe Harbor to be very friendly.
Glebe Harbor is over an hour's drive from Fredericksburg. As of this writing, It is still not served by cell phone service or DSL. (Verizon needs to get on the ball!)
I have a page devoted to our house there at SunnyHarbor.com.

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