May 3, 2022

Springdale, the John Hite House

This house stands along the Valley Pike south of Winchester.

Nearby is a historical marker that tells us:

Springdale, home of Colonel John Hite, son of Joist Hite, leader of the first settlers in this section, was built in 1753. Just to the South are ruins of Hite’s Fort, built about 1734.


  1. That is a stunning home.

  2. gorgeous!! weird, the comment section looks odd on my end here i wonder if blogger is changing or what? strange. u have a great rest of your week. falling behind on comments. thank you for your visit. take care. ( ;

    1. Yes, Blogger has changed the comments section from a box to a line.

  3. Lovely old home...and it is interesting that Winchester is the town nearby, rather than this one being in the midst of a town. I guess settlement had a reason for being further north.

  4. Thank you for sharing these old houses, and I enjoy their history.


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