June 23, 2016

Revolutionary Encampment

A few weeks a reenactment was held at Cedar Creek Battlefield featuring a Revolutionary War encampment and a fictitious battle. There were no actual battles in the Shenandoah Valley during the American Revolution, but there are not many places left that are suited for hosting a battle so this one was used. (It's actually a Civil War site.)

I took many photos so they are spread out over several posts, including Leading a Horse and Portraits at Meadow Mills.


  1. the folks that do these re-enactments sure take their roles seriously.

  2. Those are always so much fun to see and watch. This looks like a good one. I enjoyed your fences and all the characters in costume very much.

  3. They certainly do look the part- on both sides!

  4. Hello, great fence scene. Looks like a fun time! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!


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