May 23, 2016

Civil War Mural in Berryville

I almost didn't see this mural because it's a distance back from the street facing a parking lot. Lee and Jackson are unmistakable, and we have a token Yankee on the left. He must be Phil Sheridan, for the artist appears to have painted flames in front of him to represent the "burning" of the Shenandoah Valley's crops (1864). I deduced that the fellow between Lee and Jackson must be Mosby because he conducted a famous wagon train raid on the outskirts of Berryville. Sure enough, I found a photo that shows Mosby from this angle.

I love it when I find something that combines my interests, like folk art and history! This can be seen from Crow Street near the Camino Real Restaurant.

Sharing with Monday Murals


  1. They like to hide some murals!

  2. Fascinating mural of historic figures. Colorful and glad you found it!

  3. very cool..and thanks for the mini-history lesson!

  4. What a neat mural. I'm glad you identified Mosby for us.

  5. That's truly majestic and so unusual a s a mural!

    Hope you're enjoying your week I wish you all my best for your days to some, sending much love and many hugs to you, dearie, with sincere thankfulness

    xox Dany

  6. No sign of Longstreet, I see, but Old Pete as they called him is still a divisive figure in the South.

  7. That is a colorful and interesting mural. It's nice that it comes with a little history lesson too.


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