My new year's resolutions include walking more and cutting back on sugar. Now I don't eat much sucrose; it makes my blood sugar spike up and down, plus more than a little bit gives me a weird headache. For years I consumed no cane sugar whatsoever*; then I started making exceptions and it crept back into my diet. First I allowed a little bit in main dishes; particularly the only frozen dinner I'm not allergic to (basil chicken with rice); then in the frozen rice dessert that I started eating when I read that Rice Dream had gluten (in barley malt - this may have changed), and then in a gluten-free dairy-free cookie.
Of course, cutting out sugar further shortens the list of foods I can eat. And it's already a short list, mostly meat, vegetables and rice. Which is not bad as long as I'm home and have time to cook.
*Except when sugar was hidden in restaurant food. If they throw a little in the green beans, for instance, I have no way of knowing.
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