August 19, 2016

Random Pictures from the Sublime to the Distressing

1. Orange sky and a reflection.

2. Gatherings: 
It's Civil War Weekend in the Winchester area. One of the sites you can visit is Shawnee Springs, shown here on a previous tour.

3. This dog kindly showed off his shadow for Photo Friday.

4. Honey, I wrecked the car! I was making a left turn on Sunday and did not see a pickup truck coming until the last minute. (He was driving pretty fast!) I tried to correct but he hit me before I got the car all the way straight again. Fortunately, no one was hurt. And several kind people stopped to help us.

I felt very bad about it. This was my husband's car and he really liked it. After three exhausting days of looking at cars, we bought a nice Nissan to replace it.

5. Did your ever read The True Believer? Years ago I read it in school and found it an enlightening study on why people join groups, including hate groups. I made this meme to represent one of Hoffer's themes.


  1. Beautiful sky shot! Sorry to hear about your car - but glad no one was hurt.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your accident Linda but happy you were no injured, or anyone else. These things happen, something similar to me years ago so I can definitely empathize Your photos are superb, especially that first shot. A cute dog and the book sounds like a powerful read.

  3. Such a beautiful sky image. Sorry about the car but glad nobody got hurt.

  4. sorry to hear about the demolition derby

  5. good you didn't get hurt, tough to go through

  6. Gorgeous sunset photo! Sorry about your accident, but I'm glad no one was hurt.

  7. Ouch on the car. The sky shot is amazing.

  8. Glad you weren't hurt! Great sunset!

  9. Your reflection photo is stunningly beautiful!

  10. oooh, sorry about the car! glad you are okay, though.

  11. So glad everyone came through that OK.

  12. Ouch, so glad everyone is okay and that you have gotten a new car. Your reflection photo is absolutely gorgeous. I hope you have a better week.

  13. oh no linda, so glad you are ok!! how scary...sometimes it seems vehicles just pop out of no where when they are travelling too fast! hugs!! thank you for linking with willy nilly!!

  14. It's a shame about the car, but I'm so glad no one was hurt. I love that beautiful sky shot.

  15. Great catch!! I like the color, lighting, mood, diagonal line of the foreground shoreline...everything works..
    Glad you were not injured!! The car damage looks reparable, considering some of the wrecks I've seen here. Cheers, Stan

  16. Beautiful sky!
    Glad no one was hurt. Your husband must be like mine. When we have had car accidents, I want to get the car repaired and keep driving it; he insists on getting a new car.


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