October 13, 2014

Patriotic Mural

In Front Royal, Virginia
It's a little hard to be sure in a two-dimensional image, but the flag over the door is painted on. If you look closely you can see the lines of the bricks.

Today is Columbus Day here in the States, so I thought I'd show a patriotic theme. I realize many Americans don't celebrate Columbus, especially the people whose native ancestors lost their lands to the European settlers. But for the rest of us. at least we can say "We're grateful to be here."

Linking to: Monday Murals


  1. It looks nice like that. I like Americana!

  2. Linda, I like murals like this one. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Fabulous trompe l'oeil. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. The next time I am in Front Royal, I WANT to see that neat-o building. What street is it on?

  5. Maureen, that building is near Andrick's Gifts and Collectibles on West 6th Street.


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