October 1, 2014

Does the Royal Family Bowl?

In Front Royal, Virginia
This neon sign actually has nothing to do with royalty. It's on a bowling center named for the town of Front Royal.

Linking to: Signs, Signs


  1. A rather unusual name for a town. It occurs to me that I can't think of a bowling alley in my city.

  2. We have a few bowling alleys still around. But none of them are royal.

  3. I bet the royals have a bowling alley or two in the castle.

  4. We have a bowling alley, but it is part of a large sport complex. The name of yours does seem odd.

  5. I'm glad you explained the name. ☂

  6. I love neon signs, but bowling alleys are getting hard to find around here. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Love the neon, always makes for a good image


  8. OK, but somehow I am enjoying the mental picture of Queen Elizabeth with bowling ball in hand! (I bet she could do it well if she wanted to.)


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