I don't know but the Primitive Baptist Church on Richardson Road was established in 1787. I imagine the building has been replaced at least once. It does not appear to be in use anymore.
I found mention of the church's beginnings on a Primitive Baptist Family History page:
Waterlick Church was organized on April 15, 1787. The members to be constituted met at the home of Brother Charles Buck where they sat to hear experiences related, from whence they proceeded to the River singing a hymn as they went along, where, after an exhortation by Bro. John Parker, and a short discourse by Elder John Price, the ordinance of baptism was administered to several, and from whence they went to the Waterlick meeting house (which had been constructed for the sake of convenience of some of the members of South River Church who lived on the north side of the South River), and the church was organized in the presence of a very large audience, viz., Thomas Buck, Charles Buck, John Buck, John Parker, Donald Holmes, Negro Joseph, Negro Daniel, Isabella Richardson, Miriam Buck, Mary Buck, Nancy Buck, Martha Leith, Sarah Richardson, Elizabeth Parker, Jean Williams, and Negro Jeanny. Waterlick Church united with the Ketocton Association the same year.
Elder John Price was the first pastor. He was followed by Elders James Ireland, who served until his death in 1806. He was followed by Elder Samuel O'Herndon.
Waterlick Church meeting house was (as late as 1947) located near Buckton Station on the Manassas Gap Railway.
The names of some early members correspond with current road names: Richardson and Buck (as in Buck's Mill Road). I wonder if Negroes Joseph, Daniel, and Jeanny were free Blacks?
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