August 4, 2011

Monacan Village at Natural Bridge

Monacan Indian Exhibit

Natural Bridge has a number of tourist attractions. One of the most authentic features is the Monacan Village, modeled after Native American settlements of the region.

You can click on the sign to see a large version. Here's how it starts:

Monacan Village
Circa 1700
The Monacan Indian Nation and Natural Bridge invite you to witness, in a living history environment, glimpses of what life would have been like in a small Monacan Village 300 years ago along the banks of Cedar Creek.

This is a project of reconstructive archaeology. (Reconstructing a Monacan village according to archaeological record of the southwestern and Piedmont regions of Virginia.)

The Monacan Indians are a Siouan speaking people, who migrated to this region over 1500 years ago from the northwest.

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  1. That must have been great to visit!
    I've been to a Norman one here in the UK and it was eye-opening to see how they lived!

  2. Meu Anjo..
    Agora, neste momento,
    onde quer que esteja,
    sinta o coração tranqüilo,
    a alma leve, a mente junto da luz.
    Sinta neste momento, o ar que te rodeia,
    a vida que pulsa perfeita em você.
    Não se descuide nunca!!!!
    Dê sempre a você, o melhor...
    aceitando a transformação dos tempos,
    aprendendo que a cada dia,
    muito está reservado para a você.
    Então, seja feliz agora..
    Seus lindos Sonhos realizados.
    Um final de semana lindo e abençoado.
    Sua Amizade Para Mim é Tudo.
    Feliz em conhecer seu blog,,essa moça é linda demais e adorei o vestido dela.
    Convido a conhecer meu blog e seguir.

  3. Thanks for your comments, fellow bloggers.

    Pat, yes it was great to visit.

    Evanir, I went to to read your poem. Thanks for sharing. Yes, the girl is beautiful! I went to your blog and was impressed with how artistic it is. Nice music too.


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